Social Welfare Department

Kerala Social Welfare Department

The Social Welfare Department was formed on 9 September 1975 for the implementation of social welfare programmes and services in Kerala. The Directorate of Social Welfare is the main arm of the Social Welfare Department.The Department initiates and implements welfare programmes and services for women in need and distress, differently able d and mentally challenged persons,women and children,destitute orphans and neglected street children and provides social security for the aged and destitute through a network of organizations, residential institutions and non-institutional schemes.The overall care,protection,welfare,development and rehabilitation of women and children,differently abled,aged and in firm,adolescent girls and socially deviant.The Social Welfare Directorateis the nodal agency for implementing various schemes of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of Govt.of India for Women & Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens.The Department has also declared State Policy for Women’s and also State Policy for the Elderly. An important feature of the Social Welfare Department is the tall the weaker sections of the society viz.destitute,senior citizens,differently abled ,mentally challenged,ex-convicts,prisoners,women,children etc.either directly or in directly are the beneficiaries through the department.

Social Welfare Department Organization:

.The Kerala State Social Security Mission, a charitable society sponsored by the Social Welfare Department ,which was set up on 14th October 2008 is an ovelinitiative of the State Government to cater the social security need so of the population of the State on a mission mode. The Kerala State Women’s Development Corporation was in corporated in 1988 with the main objectives of implementation programmes for the economic development of women in the State and to formulate ,promote and implement any scheme aimed at the welfare of women in Kerala to enable them to earn a better living.The Kerala State Handicapped Persons Welfare Corporation was established in 1979. Its main aims and objectives are to formulate ,promote and implement schemes aimed at the rehabilitation or improvement of the living conditions of the disabled.The Kerala State Social Welfare Board,which is assisted by the Central Social Welfare Board, provides support to voluntary organizations ,aimed at strengthening their role in the fields of children welfare and women s empowerment.The Kerala State Council for Child Welfare,constituted in1940,and affiliated to Indian Council for Child Welfare has the State Government as Patron,the State Chief Minister as President and the State Minister for Social Welfare as First Vice President. The Kerala State Women’s Commission, a statutory organization under the State Government was constituted under Section 5 of Kerala Women’s Commission Act 1990 on 14th March 1996.The National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NiSH)is a Society setup Scientific Charitable Societies Act,1955 on 23rd March 1997.The mission of NISH is to serve as a comprehensive ,multipurpose institution for the total rehabilitation and education of persons with speech and hearing impairment.

Notable Function of Social Welfare Department

  • Establishment matters of a ll Officers(Gazetted and Non-Gazetted)under the Directorate of Social Welfare and other Officers of Social Welfare Department.
  • Implementation of PWD Act,1995 and the National Trust Act.
  • Establishment of Hospitals for Physically Handicapped.
  • Papers relation to the Special Rules of Social Welfare Department.
  • Integrated Women Empowerment Programme.
  • Complaint Committee on Sexual Harassment.
  • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005.
  • Financial assistance to inter caste marriage couple other than SC/ST.
  • Pension for Persons with Disabilities and Widowed Destitute.
  • Financial assistance to widows for the marriage of their daughters.
  • Old Age policy,Old Age Homes and papers relating to Senior Citizens.
  • General Grant-in-aid Schemes under STEP,SWADHAR ,Working Women’s Hostel and Women’s Helpline.

Department Section:

S.NO Department Section Phone No
1 Social Welfare(A) Department 0471-2518697
2 Social Welfare(B) Department 0471-2517157
3 Social Welfare(C) Department 0471-2518540

Kerala Social Welfare Department Important Contact Details:


Minister for Panchayats and Social Welfare
Room No:401
4thFloor,Secretariat Annex

Department of Social Welfare

Ground Floor,Secretariat

Smt.Aruna Sundar arajan

Principal Secretary-I
Social Welfare (Women Empowerment)


Principal Secretary-II

Smt.MS Jaya Directorr

Director of Social Welfare
Vikas Bhavan,V th Floor

Related Website of Social Welfare Department

Name of Website Link
The Official Website of Social Welfare Department
Kerala State Women Development Corporation
Official website of Human Right Commission
Kerala Womens Commission website
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

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  1. Sudheer Says:


  2. Pradeep Says:

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  3. minisujathan Says:

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