Akshaya Weekly Lottery are Drawn on every Wednesday , The tickets cost Rs 20 Only and the tickets are available in five series . The tickets for the Akshaya lottery can be obtained by the legal and authorized agents and agency .The maximum retail price of one ticket will be Rs.20/- only. One book of tickets will contain twenty five tickets. First Prize for the winner of this ticket is Rs 25 lakhs . Following is the chart of how prize distribution money goes –
Total Tickets- 45 Lakhs Tickets
Cost of Tickets – Rs 20 Only
Details pf Prize
No Of Prizes
Agent’s Commission on Prizes
Common to All Series
Common to All Series
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn Once
Upto 450
Upto 4,50,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 7 Times
Upto 3150
Upto 15,75,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 7 Times
Upto 3150
Upto 6,30,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 10 Times
Upto 4500
Upto 4,50,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 20 Times
Upto 9000
Upto 4,50,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 10 Times
Upto 4500
Upto 90,000
Last 4 Digits to be Drawn 50 Times
Upto 22,500
Upto 3,37,500
Consolation Prizes
Terms and Conditions of Win Win Weekly Lottery Competition
- The first and second prizes will be drawn in full coming under the assured portion of prizes. The remaining prizes will be under variable portion depending upon the sale of tickets.
- The consolation prizes of Rs.10,000/- each will be awarded to the tickets in other four series, having the same number of I st prize winning number.
- The third prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits once and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The fourth prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits seven times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The fifth prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits seven times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The sixth prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits ten times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The seventh prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits twenty times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The eighth prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits ten times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- The ninth prize will be determined by drawing the last four digits fifty times and extended to all sold tickets in all series.
- If any prize numbers in any category is repeated the same will be cancelled and redrawn.
- An amount equal to 10% of prize money will be deducted from I st,2nd and 3rd prizes and given as agents commission on prize to the agents concerned . An amount equivalent to 10% of the prize money on 4th to 7th and consolation prize and 20% of the prize money on 8th prize and 30% of the prize money on 9 th prize will be given to the agents concerned as agents commission on prize from Government fund.
- Special incentive will be allowed to the agents who purchase maximum number of tickets as follows :-
- For the highest purchaser of and above 3 Lakh tickets -Rs.20,000/-
- For the next highest purchaser of and above 2 Lakh tickets – Rs.16,000/-
- For the next highest purchaser of and above 1 Lakh tickets -Rs.12,000/-
- For the next highest purchaser of and above 50,000 tickets – Rs.8,000/-
- For the next highest purchaser of and above 25,000 tickets -Rs.4,000/-
- Common incentive prize Rs.2000/- will be given to the agents in each district,who purchase maximum number of tickets of and above 10,000 tickets. Rs.1000/- will be given to the next lowest purchaser who purchase of and above 1000 tickets. If more than one agent purchases the same number of tickets the amount will be divided among them equally subject to the minimum amount of the next lowest purchaser.
- The prize winners shall prefer their claims within 30 days from the date of draw . First prize winning ticket should be surrendered to the Director of State Lotteries in person or by insured registered post or through Nationalised/ Scheduled Banks/ State or District Co-operative Banks supported with necessary documents.
- The prizes of Rs.1,00,000/- and below may be claimed from the District Lottery Offices / Directorate of State Lotteries.
- Agents are allowed to collect prize tickets with prize money of Rs.5000/- and below and pay the prize money to the prize winners themselves and thereafter claim prize money on behalf of prize winners by exchange of tickets.
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