Thangassery is located at the distance of 5km away from Kollam District in state of Kerala.Thangassery is a beach town on the shores of the Arabian Sea in Kollam city.This place is famous for giving historical importance, with old 18th century churches, light house and remnants of Portuguese and Dutch forts. Thangassery Lighthouse is located on the shores of the Arabian Sea in Kollam city at the distance of 5km away from Kollam.A modern lighthouse in a historic Christian quarter of town that is possible to climb in the afternoons.
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Thangassery Fort is also located north end of the Harbor of the Arabian Sea in Kollam city at the distance of 5km away from Kollam.You can see two different sides of the building, the first from the harbor side where it is visible at some distance and the second from the opposite side.Some limited standing ruins of an old colonial fort.Thangassery Church Ruins are located 200m north of the Thangassery Fort intersection and on the right-hand side of the road behind a Thangassery lighthouse.The ruins of a church belltower and some adjacent graves and headstones are still standing here behind some local houses.
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