Padmanabhapuram Palace

Padmanabhapuram Palace is located in at Padmanabhapuram Fort, about 20 km from Nagercoil in Tamil Nadu State of India, and about 50 kilometers from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It is located in Veli Hills of Western Ghats. The palace was constructed around 1601 CE by Iravi Varma Kulasekhara Perumal who ruled Travancore between 1592 CE and 1609 CE. The palace depicts the hallmark of Kerala Style Architecture and is an example of the excellence of this style of architecture.

King Marthaanda Varma dedicated the kingdom to his family deity Sree Padmanabha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and ruled the kingdom as Padmanabha dasa or servant of Lord Padmanabha. Hence the name Padmanabhapuram or City of Lord Padmanabha.

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Padmanabhapuram Palace have unique and beautiful structure with great work of Kerala Style of Architecture . Mantrasala also called as Council Chamber of King is the most grandest and beautiful place in the palace. Delicate and beautiful lattice work can be seen all over the council chamber.Thai Kottaram or Mother’s Palace depicts the typical Kerala Style Architecture is the oldest construction in the entire palace complex and is believed to be constructed around mid-16th century. Nataksala called as Hall Of Performance has solid granite pillars and gleaming black floor. There is a wooden enclosure, with peepholes, where the women of the royal household used to sit and watch the performance.Thekee Kottaram the Southern Palace now serves as a heritage museum, exhibiting antique household articles and curios.

Padmanabhapuram Palace

By- Aviatorjk (Wiki)

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